1. General Pathology 20 marks
Cell injury, Cell death and adaptations, Inflammation and repair, Hemodynamic disorders, Genetic disorders, Immunopathology, Neoplasia, Infectious diseases, Environmental and nutritional diseases, Diseases of infancy & childhood
2. Systemic Pathology 20 marks
Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary, Pancreas, Renal, Male and female genital, Lymphoreticular, Breast, Endocrine, Bone & Joint, Skin, peripheral nerves, Skeletal muscle, Soft tissue, Central nervous systems, Eye
3. Hematology & Laboratory Medicine 20 marks
RBC, WBC, Platelet disorders, hemostatic disorders, techniques in clinical Pathology, anticoagulants, preparation of stains, automated analyzers principle and use, quality control
4. Cytopathology 10 marks
Exfoliative cytology, FNAC, fluid cytology – techniques of smear preparation, staining, interpretation
5. Histopathological techniques 6 marks
6. Autopsy Pathology 5 marks
Techniques of autopsy, interpretation
7. Transfusion Medicine 5marks
Techniques of blood grouping, cross matching, Coombs test, Donor screening, Blood collection, Blood component preparation, Quality control
8. Advanced techniques 4 marks
Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Electron microscopy, Flow cytometry, FISH, other molecular techniques