ഈ തസ്തികയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട എല്ലാ വിവരങ്ങളും (Syllabus, Exam Date, Previous Questions, Short List, Rank List etc) ഇവിടെ നൽകുന്നതായിരിക്കും.
Exam Details
Exam Date: 2024 January12 Friday 09.30 am to 12.00 pm
Maximum Marks: 100
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Medium of Questions : English
Mode of Exam : ONLINE
The time, Venue and mode of examination will be mentioned in Admission Ticket.
Syllabus for Higher Secondary School Teacher - Chemistry
For detailed syllabus click here
അപേക്ഷ നൽകിയിട്ടുള്ളവർക്ക് 23/10/2023 മുതൽ 11/11/2023 വരെ നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രൊഫൈൽ വഴി ഈ പരീക്ഷ എഴുതുന്നതിനുള്ള Confirmation നൽകാവുന്നത് ആണ്. പരീക്ഷ എഴുതും എന്ന് ഉറപ്പുള്ളവർ മാത്രമേ confirmation നൽകാവൂ.
Confirmation നൽകിയവർക്ക് പരീക്ഷയുടെ ഹാൾടിക്കറ്റ് 2023 December 29 മുതൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ PSC പ്രൊഫൈലിൽ നിന്നും ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാവുന്നത് ആണ്.
Number of Candidates: 04
Notification Details
Category Number: 267/2023 (Special Recruitment for Scheduled Tribe Only)
Name of Post: Higher Secondary School Teacher - Chemistry
Department: Kerala Higher Secondary Education
Scale of pay: ₹ 55,200-1,15,300/-
Vacancy: 03(നിലവിലുള്ള ഒഴിവുകൾ ആണ് ഇത്, കൂടുതൽ പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാം)
Age limit: 20-45
- Masters Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 45% marks from any of the Universities in Kerala or a Qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by any University in Kerala
- (1) B.Ed in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the
Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by a University in
(2) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in concerned subject, B.Ed. degree acquired in the concerned faculty as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala.
(3) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in items (1) and (2) above, persons with B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
M.Sc.Ed in the concerned subject with not less than 45 percentage of mark from any of the Regional Institutes of Education sponsored by National Council for Education Research & Training (NCERT) - Must have passed the State Eligibility Test (SET) for the post of Higher Secondary School Teacher conducted by the Government of Kerala or by the Agency authorised by the State Government.