Syllabus Lecturer In English - Kerala PSC Exam


PART I - General Subject (50 Marks)

Module 1 : Community Engagement – Resources & Practices - Total: 10 Marks

Unit 1: Community Resources

Resources that enhance or facilitate the lives of people in a community - examples of community resources are factories, educational institutions, cinema halls, libraries, religious places, hospitals, community centers, parks, etc - make use of these resources in education as it develops a sense of value and belonging among students.

Unit 2: Community Engagement

Community Engagement in Education - and symbiotic relationship that exists between communities and Education Institutions - sustainable networks, partnerships, communication media, and activities - Linking formal learning and the local community 

Unit 3: Forms of community engagement

Community-student engagement -Researching with the community, sharing knowledge with the community, Designing new curriculum and courses, Involving local practitioners as trainers, Social Innovation by students and the like

Unit 4: Practices for Community engagement

Engagement practices and activities - formal or informal - include building relationships through collaboration initiatives, community campaigns, Community Survey, Community services, Excursions, cooperatives, small businesses, consultation meetings & conferences, sports events, cultural events, community development and community research projects.

Unit 5: Rural Community Development

 Social, economic, political and cultural framework of the rural society - Rural Resilience - Rural Institutions Close to Community, Participatory Learning - Approaches and Methods, Community Project Proposals and Project Management, Community living camps, Engagement with - School, Street Committee, Health Centre, Panchayat, SHGs - Programmes

Module II : Syllabus for General Subject - ICT in Education - Total: 10 Marks

Unit 1: Potentials of ICT in Education

ICT as a means to connect with the world – Pedagogy and ICT – Potentials and Advantages of Approaches to ICT

Unit 2: ICT integration in Curriculum transaction

Computer based Curricular planning- ICT Based Model of Curriculum Transaction - Considerations for integrating ICT – Innovations in Curriculum Transaction

Unit 3: ICT and Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning

Resources – Access and Creation, resource mobilization – Web-based learning, Social Networking –Virtual learning Environment - Designing e-initiatives

Unit 4: ICT in Classrooms

Creating Personal learning environments - ICT integrated Inclusive education - Assistive and Adaptive technologies

Unit 5: ICT for Assessment and Evaluation 

Purposes and Techniques of Evaluation, Scope of ICT for evaluation- Innovative Practices in Assessment & Evaluation 



Philosophical perspectives of Education

Role of education in philosophizing the issues of life –Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, Phenomenology, Aesthetics and Axiology. Critical appraisal of schools of philosophy in the context of Twenty First Century – aims, content, methods and ongoing changes

Focus of education in the 21st century. Building perspectives on educational philosophies, Modern schools of Philosophy-Empiricism, Positivism, Relativism.- Post -structuralist views and eclectic views. Comparative study of philosophies and educational contributions of Indian and western thinkers 

 Psychological perspectives of education

Learning and development- Learner Characteristics and Learning styles with special reference to pre- primary, primary, secondary, higher secondary and adult learners Learning in twenty first century classrooms., Characteristics And types, Development – language development, emotional, moral, motor and identity development. Cognitive Functions-Thinking, Reasoning, Problem Solving and Meta-cognition, Personality- types characteristics and development

Intelligence-different types~ Multiple, Cultural, social and emotional, impact on learners. Mental Health-, Factors affecting Mental Health (parents, family environment, society, school practices) - Strategies for enhancing Mental health

Sociological perspectives of education

Education for social security, wellness and progress, sustenance and transformation in society. Determinants of social change in the context of globalization.-Constraints on social change in India with respect to caste, ethnicity, class, language, religion, gender, regionalism, political interest

 Education and Secularism - Role of teacher in inculcating democracy and international values.- Pluralism – Role of education in creating unity in diversity- Nationalism and education.-Role of Education in addressing cultural lag, privatization, globalization and partnership in social progress – Current trends in social development and transformation of values in society.

 Module 4 : Teaching aptitude (10 Marks)

 Teaching aptitude.

  • Teaching -characteristics, levels, phases and maxims
  • teaching methods, techniques and strategies
  • modern trends in professional development and ethics
  • technology integration in education
  • Research, evaluation and innovations in classroom teaching, 
Module 5 : Research Aptitude (10 Marks)
  • Research Meaning, Characteristics and Types
  • Steps to Research
  • Methods of Research
  • Aims of Educational Research
  • Research Ethics
  • Research paper, Article, Workshop, Seminar, Conference and Symposium
  • Thesis writings – its characteristics and Format



Objectives: This syllabus is designed to familiarise the students with the literature, thought and culture of the Renaissance period in England, a historical watershed marking the transition from the medieval to the modern. It is also designed as a theoretical/critical reading of the era and the texts in the light of recent theoretical interventions like New Historicism and Cultural Materialism which had a special interest in Renaissance texts. The syllabus comprising major genres like Drama, Poetry and Prose provides an introduction to the literature of the English Renaissance studied in a variety of historical contexts and discusses how the confluence of social, political and economic forces culminated in conditions conducive to the creation of an impressive volume of literature.


Geoffrey Chaucer: “The General Prologue to Canterbury Tales” John Donne: “The Canonization” “The Valediction” Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress” John Milton: “Paradise Lost” Book 1X John Dryden: “Mac Flecknoe” Alexander Pope “Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot” (The Atticus Passage) Thomas Gray: “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard William Shakespeare: Sonnets - 18, 73 


Shakespeare : Hamlet , Christopher Marlowe : Doctor Faustus Ben Jonson: The Alchemist Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy William Congreve : The Way of the World Webster : The Duchess of Malfi 

Prose and Fiction

Francis Bacon: “Of Marriage”, Of Studies, Of Marriage and Single Life Thomas More: Utopia 


 Objectives: This syllabus familiarizes the learner with the English literary texts which reflect the austere Puritan ideals of the late seventeenth century, the neoclassical vigour of the eighteenth century considerably influenced by the philosophy of the Enlightenment and the perspectival shift manifested in the transitional literature towards the end of this era


Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock (Canto 2) William Collins: Ode to Evening William Blake: The Tyger; The Lamb Robert Burns: To a Mouse Oliver Goldsmith: The Deserted Village (lines 1 to 96) William Blake: The Tiger, The Lamb

 Prose and Fiction

Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels Henry Fielding: Tom Jones Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe Richard Steele: The Spectator’s Club (The Spectator No. 2) Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights Charles Dickens: Hard Times Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge Charles Lamb: “Dream Children”, “South Sea House”.


Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer Richard Sheridan: The Rivals Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest


This syllabus aims to familiarize students with the fundamental premises of the Romantic Movement and Victorian literature, their theoretical and ideological frameworks, and the major trends and offshoots across various genres. A rough time span of one and a half century which witnessed an initial flowering of Romanticism, followed by the rapid growth of industrialization, scientific thinking and materialism all of which find expression in the texts chosen for study


William Wordsworth : Intimations of Immortality ST Coleridge : The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Lord Byron : She Walks in Beauty PB Shelley : Mutability John Keats : Ode to a Nightingale Thomas Gray : Elegy Written in a Country Church-yard Robert Southey : After Blenheim ST Coleridge : Elizabeth Barrett Browning : Sonnet 22 Alfred Tennyson : Ulysses Matthew Arnold : Dover Beach Robert Browning : Andrea del Sarto Christina Rossetti : When I am dead, my dearest DG Rossetti : The Blessed Damsel Thomas Hardy : The Darkling Thrush Robert Bridges : So Sweet Love Seemed That April Morn

Prose and Fiction

Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species (From Chapter 15. Recapitulation and Conclusion) Arthur Conan Doyle: The Speckled Band George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge Jane Austen: Mansfield Park Mary Shelley: Frankenstein Walter Scott: Ivanhoe


Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest


Objectives: To familiarize the students with the literary trends of the early twentieth century in the context of the sensibility of literary modernism in the wake of the World War.


G.M. Hopkins - “The Windhover W.B. Yeats: The Second Coming, Easter 1916 TS Eliot: The Waste Land Wilfred Owen: Strange Meeting Tom Gunn: On the Move Ted Hughes: Pike W.H.Auden: The Shield of Achilles D.H. Lawrence: Snake Dylan Thomas: Do not go Gentle into that Good Night Philip Larkin: Ambulance R.S. Thomas: Death of a Peasant Seamus Heaney :The Tollund Man


Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot Harold Pinter: The Dumb Waiter G B Shaw Caesar and Cleopatra T S Eliot Murder in the Cathedral G M Synge, The Playboy of the Western World

Prose and Fiction 

Virginia Woolf - “Modern Fiction “F.R. Leavis - “Hard times: An Analytic note” (from The Great Tradition) Joseph Conrad - The Heart of Darkness D.H. Lawrence - Sons and Lovers James Joyce - A Portrait of an artist as a young man


 Objectives: To familiarize the students with the key concepts and texts of literary criticism ever since its emergence, and to provide theoretical familiarity with the range, approaches, and mechanics of critique

Aristotle : Poetics Longinus : On the Sublime Philip Sidney : Apology for Poetry John Dryden: Essay of Dramatic Poesy* Dr Johnson : Preface to Shakespeare William Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads* S.T. Coleridge: Biographia Literaria (ch14 &17) Mathew Arnold : The study of Poetry ) T.S. Eliot - Metaphysical Poets D Edmond Wilson - Marxism and Literature

MODULE 6: American Literature ( 5 marks)

This syllabus seeks to introduce the students to the most important branch of English literature belonging to the non- British tradition, The course attempts to provide detailed information to the student regarding the processes and texts chiefly responsible for the evolution of American Literature as a separate branch possessing characteristic features which sets it apart from others

Edgar Allen Poe: “Raven” Walt Whitman: - “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” Emily Dickinson: ‘‘The Soul Selects Her Own Society” “Success is Counted Sweetest” Robert Frost: “Birches” Wallace Stevens: “The Emperor of Ice-cream” Marge Tindal: “Cherooke Rose” Gloria Anzaluda: “To live in the Border


Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman Eugene O’Neill: Emperor Jones 

Prose and Fiction

Herman Melville: “Bartleby the Scrivener” Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Young Goodman Brown” Ernest Hemingway: “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” Mark Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Saul Bellow: Herzog 

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Self-Reliance” 5.2 Martin Luther King: “I Have A Dream” Henry David Thoreau: Walden (Chapter 1 &2)

Module 7: INDIAN LITERATURE ( 5 marks )  

 The syllabus is intended to provide an insight to the historical, cultural and literary heritage of India by acquainting the students with major movements and figures of Indian literature in English.


Toru Dutt: Our Casuarina Tree Sarojini Naidu: An Indian Love song Rabindranath Tagore: The Child, Gitanjali (section 35) Nissim Ezekiel: Minority Poem. Sachidanandan: How to go to the Tao Temple .6Jayanta Mahapatra: The Whorehouse in a Calcutta Street Kamala Das: The Old Playhouse Ranjit Hosekote: Madman C.P. Surendran: At the Family Court


Girish Karnad: The Fire and the Rain Mahesh Dattani: Tara


R.K. Narayan: The Guide Salman Rushdie: Midnight’s Children Amitav Ghosh: The Shadow Lines Arundhati Roy: God of Small Things

MODULE 8: English Language History and Contemporary Linguistics (10 marks) 

Objectives: To inculcate in the student’s awareness about the basic concepts of linguistics, the scientific study of language after initiating them into the history of English language.

The Indo-European language family Old English, Middle English, Modern English: Comparative linguistic features and evolution. Basic Introduction to major sub disciplines of linguistics: Phonetics and phonology, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics.

Phonetics and Phonology: General Phonetics, Cardinal Vowels, Consonants, Phonetic Transcription in practice. The phonemic theory: Phoneme, allophones, contrastive and complementary distribution.

Syntax Traditional grammar – fallacies – Saussure, system and structure, language as a system of signs, Saussurean dichotomies: synchronic -diachronic, signifier- signified, syntagmatic – paradigmatic, langue – parole, form – substance, Structuralism: Contributions of Bloomfield – IC Analysis – disambiguation using IC analysis, limitations of IC analysis – 

Morphology and Semantics The notion of a morpheme, allomorph, zero morph, portmanteau morph Inflection and derivation, level I and Level II affixes in English, ordering between derivation and inflection, + boundary (morpheme level) and boundary (word level) in affixation, Word formation techniques: blending, clipping, back formation, acronyms, echo word formation, abbreviation etc. 

Branches of Psycholinguistics: Definition and scope - child language acquisition – Innateness hypothesis – speech production, speech recognition – aphasia – slips – gaps Socio Linguistics: definition and scope – structural and functional approach – speech community – speech situation – speech event – speech act – language planning – bilingualism -multilingualism-diglossia - (Language and gender & Language and politics).

NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper 

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