Ranked List No. : 784/2023/SSV
The following is the list of candidates for selection to the post of MALE WARDEN (I NCA EZHAVA/THIYYA/BILLAVA) on Rs.18000-41500/- (PR) in SCHEDULED CASTE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT in PALAKKAD DISTRICT, interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit for recruitment against the NCA vacancies for EZHAVA/THIYYA/BILLAVA community. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 13.09.2023 and will be valid till the candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies notified due to the paucity of candidates belonging to EZHAVA/THIYYA/BILLAVA community during the currency of the Mother Ranked List published on 03.10.2019 (Cat No.349/2016).
1 JITHIN T 58.0 58.00 04/08/1992 EZHAVA
2 SANDEESH C S 55.0 55.00 22/05/1988 EZHAVA
NOTE (1) :- The entries put in column (8) are based on the Communities specified by the candidate in their Application forms and proved by them with necessary documents. The candidates whose Communities have not been correctly noted in the Ranked List as proved by them in their Application should intimate the fact to the District Officer, Kerala Public Service Commission District Office, Palakkad within one month from the Date of publication of the Ranked List to get the benefit of Reservation to which they are entitled to. In the absence of timely information regarding discrepancies if any, the candidate will be advised as incorporated in the Ranked List.
NOTE (2) :-The candidates who wish to relinquish their claim for advice from the Ranked List shall submit an application in the format prescribed by the Commission to the District Officer, Kerala Public Service Commission District Office, Palakkad. The format is available in the official website of the Commission. The request for relinquishment in respect of those who do not submit the relinquishment application in the format prescribed by the Commission will not be honoured under any circumstances. The request for relinquishment in the prescribed format should be duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of State/ Central Government with signature, name, designation and office seal along with a notarized affidavit and a self attested copy of an ID proof bearing photograph as enlisted in the General Conditions. The request for relinquishment, along with the original of notarized affidavit and self attested copy of an ID proof received within 15 days from the date of publication of Ranked List in the official website of the Commission will be honoured against the requisitions of vacancies that are pending with the Commission upto the finalization of the Ranked List. After the publication of the Ranked List the request for relinquishment will be considered only if such request is received on or before the date of receipt of requisition based on which he/she is to be advised